Jennie Woodring
Just as families often use special dishes and decorations for celebrations or holidays, the Altar Guild sets a very special, holy table for the Eucharist. This includes setting up for communion and taking care of the linens, vessels, candles, and vestments that are used in church services. It is an ancient ministry that has always been important in the Episcopal Church. Teens or adults are welcome to be a part of this work. The time commitment is periodic, but averages about 2 weekends every other month and includes weddings and funerals as they occur. Members are divided into teams to work together on assigned weekends. Those teams can schedule themselves individually as needed.
Open to those interested in working behind the scenes, being part of Sunday services, working with your hands (washing chalices; washing and ironing linens), learning about and understanding the elements of Holy Eucharist as well as the aesthetics of the sanctuary itself.