Acolytes serve on Sunday mornings for our 10:30am service during the program year. Anyone 4th grade and up are welcome to serve. Acolytes enter with the procession, light the candles for worship and assist in other tasks during the morning service. This is a great way for children to be involved in worship.
If you'd like to serve as an acolyte, please contact Bob Purse.
Altar Guild
Just as families often use special dishes and decorations for celebrations of holidays, the Altar Guild sets a very special, holy table for the Eucharist. This includes setting up for communion and taking care of the linens, vessels, candles and vestments that are used in church services. It is an ancient ministry that has always been important in the Episcopal Church. Teens or adults are welcome to be a part of this work. The time commitment is periodic, but averages about 2 weekends every other month and includes weddings and funerals as they occur. Members are divided into teams to work together on assigned weekends.
If you'd like to serve on the Altar Guild, please contact Kristin Jacobsen or Kate Lauderbaugh.
The backbone of our music ministry at St. Matthew's is the choir. You need not be a trained singer to join our ranks! You must, however, enjoy making a "joyful noise unto the Lord." The ability to read music is a plus.
The choir meets from September through May on Thursdays at 7:30pm at the church for our weekly rehearsal, which usually runs about 90 minutes. The choir sings at the 10:30am Eucharist every Sunday during the program year, as well as special services (i.e., Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Holy Week, etc.). Occasionally, the choir is asked to sing at a wedding or funeral.
If you'd like to join the St. Matt's Choir, please contact our Choir Director, Mark Crayton.
Green Team
For those who are passionate about living into our Christian call to be good stewards of Creation, the Green Team is an opportunity to put your passion into action! Some of the ways in which we care for Creation at St. Matthew's include: reducing the amount of waste both coming into and leaving our facility, learning and educating the congregation about simple ways to reduce our footprint on the Earth and advocating for policies and laws that promote sustainable practices both locally and nationally. We always welcome new members and ideas to help us love Creation as best as we can!
If you'd like to join St. Matt's Green Team, please contact our Parish Administrator, Gregory Peebles.
Lectors and Intercessors
A lector is someone who reads the scripture lessons during the Sunday service. An intercessor reads the Prayers of the People during the Sunday service. These do not require any special training, just a willingness to participate and an ability to read loudly and clearly. Anyone who can read is welcome to give this ministry a try. While reading aloud / public speaking is not everyone's joy, reading scripture can be a wonderful way to share in this ministry.
If you'd like to become a lector or intercessor, please contact our Parish Administrator, Gregory Peebles.
Our Livestream Team livestreams our Sunday 10:30am service and sometimes funerals and other services as well. No technology skills are required. We will train you!
If you'd like to join our Livestream Team, please contact our Communications Director, Julie Salako.
Ushering is perhaps the easiest ministry, but it is an essential part of making everyone feel welcome and invited to St. Matthew's. Ushers arrive about 20-30 minutes before the service to assure that everything is ready, welcome visitors, hand out bulletins, count attendees, take offering, present the offering and communion elements to the altar and straighten up the church after worship.
If you are 10 years old or older and would like to become an Usher, please contact Bill Siegfriedt.