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Mark Crayton


The backbone of our music ministry at St. Matthew’s is the choir. You need not be a trained singer to join our ranks!  You must, however, enjoy making a “joyful noise unto the Lord.” The ability to read music is a plus.


The choir meets from September through May on Thursdays at 7:30pm at the church for our weekly rehearsal, which usually runs about 90 minutes (during times of the year when we are singing more music, especially before Christmas and Holy Week, Thursday rehearsals can run two hours). The choir sings at the 10:30am Eucharist every Sunday during the program year, as well as special services (i.e., Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, and Holy Week, etc.). Occasionally, the choir is asked to sing at a wedding or funeral.


Our repertoire includes a vast range of musical periods and genres of sacred music, including that of the Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, 20th and 21st Century periods, and encompassing works in English and other languages, jazz, rock, gospel, and even Broadway! We love to mix it up and have something for everyone. Teens and adults are welcome to join this group. If you love to sing, please consider joining us in this rewarding ministry.


8AM Spoken Eucharist

in the Chapel



10:30AM Holy Eucharist

in the Church with Choir


2120 Lincoln Street

Evanston IL, 60201




Tuesday - Thursday

9AM - 4PM


9AM - 12PM

Or by appointment

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Land Acknowledgement

St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church sits on the traditional homelands of the people of the Council of Three Fires: the Ojibwe, Potawatomi, and Odawa nations. This land was also a place of travel and trade to many other tribes, including the Menominee, Ho-Chunk, and Miami tribes. These Native Peoples were forced off their lands with the Second Treaty of Prairie du Chien in 1829. After a series of land transfers, St. Matthew’s acquired its current site within this territory in 1906. Today, Cook County is home to tens of thousands of Native Americans from many tribes. We acknowledge and respect our Indigenous neighbors, as we strive to be good stewards of this Native land.

© 2019 by St. Matthew's Episcopal Church, Evanston

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