Greening of the Church
Saturday, December 2 | 9am in the Church
You are invited! Please join us Saturday, December 2 at 9am as we joyfully gather to prepare our church for the Advent season. Hang wreaths, shine up the brass, enjoy some seasonal treats...and more! All ages are welcome. Hosted by the Altar Guild.

Stitchers' Gathering
Tuesday, December 5 | 7:30pm in the Church Library
The Stitching Group will gather on Tuesday, Dec. 5 at 7:30 p.m. in the church library. The gathering is open to anyone, even if you just want to darn socks or just chat. However, it will be a chance for the knitters among us to work on any hats and gloves for refugees in need of them as they face a cold Chicago winter, perhaps even in tents. Cookies will be supplied!

Thanksgiving Day Service
Thursday, November 23 | 9am in the Church
Join us for our 5-Church Evanston Episcopal Community Thanksgiving Day service.