For those who are passionate about living into our Christian call to be good stewards of Creation, the Green Team is an opportunity to put your passion into action! Some of the ways in which we care for Creation at St. Matthew's include: reducing the amount of waste both coming into and leaving our facility, learning and educating the congregation about simple ways to reduce our footprint on the Earth, and advocating for policies and laws that promote sustainable practices both locally and nationally. We always welcome new members and ideas to help us love Creation as best we can!
If you are interested in working behind the scenes after Sunday services (collecting compost); learning about sustainability practices; researching and presenting informative and entertaining films; attending outside events such as Wild & Scenic Film Fest and Citizen’s Greener Evanston presentations on various “green” topics, please join us! We welcome all ages!
We meet once a month on the 4th Tuesday during the program year and you will be asked to handle about one Sunday every 6-8 weeks doing compost collection. We also host educational offerings about twice a year as well as intermittent – and optional! – outside events.