“Welcoming All in Community; Joyfully Doing God’s Work in the World”
-St. Matthew’s Mission Statement
St. Matthew’s is a hearty community of neighbors who band together as fellow travelers on the journey of faith.
In some ways we’re a diverse bunch. We come together from the immediate neighborhood and from far away (a few families travel 30 minutes or more every Sunday). We’re kids, young adults, parents with infants to great grandparents.
Our day jobs reflect the wonder of Evanston (where the north side of Chicago meets the North Shore) – we’re professors and social workers, artists and homemakers, scientists and salesmen, lawyers and bankers, journalists and teachers, firemen and marketing professionals, engineers and therapists to name just a few.
Our church is shaped by our mission: Building Community in a Complicated World. St. Matthew’s is a safe and caring community, where acceptance and our journey of faith bring us together. We welcome all. Our commitment to others inspires us to reach out, take action, make a difference.