Advent Wreath Making
Coordinator – contact the formation team
Gathering together to make Advent wreaths is both spiritual and social. Each family brings home not only a wreath, but also a booklet to use in conducting their own weekly Advent rituals at home. This is an annual event prior to Advent for children and families to do together as they prepare for the Christmas holiday. The creation of the wreath is craft oriented by use of a homemade wreath helps us remember that Christ is the center of this joyous time of year.
Book Group
Coordinator: Charlie de Kay
For those who enjoy reading any type of literature and discussing, this is the group for you. We have no set schedule but meet approximately quarterly to discuss a book of someone’s choosing. We gather for light refreshments at the home of a
group member. Reading is done independently prior to our gathering. Recent titles have included Bishop Michael B. Curry’s Crazy Christians: A Call to Follow Jesus, as well as Pastrix by Nadia Bolz-Weber and Crazy: A Father's Search Through America's Mental Health Madness by Pete Earley. This group is appropriate for teens and adults who enjoy reading and discussion, spirituality, and socializing. All are welcome!
Gala Planning
Contact: Tim Patenode
The Gala, held each year in October, is a major fundraising event for St. Matthew’s. Gala Planning Team members plan and organize the event, solicit items to be auctioned off, and find people to sponsor “buy in” parties. For the buy in parties, one or more parishioners host an event where people pay a set fee to participate, or “buy in” (past events have included a game night, golf outing, Art Institute tour, and a host of other events). Buy in parties are a unique and special aspect of Gala and often help parishioners get to know each other better. We are always looking for adults and teens willing to assist. If you are interested in fundraising, party planning, socializing, and contributing with one big event, this is for you! We plan during August and September and the event is in early October. Depending on your level of involvement or task, this can be a group or individual activity.
Movie Group
Coordinator: Ann Searles
The Movie Group is a lively discussion group about movies, current and older. This group enjoys an evening a month of fellowship and discussion around a film they have all watched. Teens and adults are welcome, and the time commitment is light. If you are hosting, you get to choose the movie and lead discussion of it approximately once each year. You are also asked to provide light refreshments. Viewing is on your own while the discussion is with the larger group. Anybody who enjoys watching, thinking about, and talking movies is welcome!
Coordinator: Judy Royal
The Newcomers Committee makes an attempt to greet newcomers and to engage them in conversation after church
services and at church events. We are always open to new ideas about ways to attract or engage visitors. If you are an
adult who enjoys people and are unafraid to approach those you don’t know, this is for you!
Prayer Group
Contact: Penny Whiteside
The St. Matthew’s Prayer Group has met for more than 60 years, every Tuesday
morning to pray for the needs of our church and community. Prayers include those
named in the Prayers of the People each Sunday as well as names sent to us. Names
are read and prayed for in a thoughtful manner. Our time is followed by a brown bag
lunch and social time.
Stitchers and Knitters
Coordinators: Ginger Carr OR Jennie Woodring
The Stitchers and Knitters is a social group that provides an opportunity for members to engage in fellowship while working on any personal needlework project such as knitting, embroidery, quilting, or mending. The group meets approximately monthly at members’ homes. Teens and adults are welcome. We are a group made of up needlework enthusiasts, conversationalists, and people who enjoy being together. We meet monthly for about 2 hours as a group.